Here is the latest video from Advanced RV's Owner's Mike and Marcia Neundorfer. It covers their trip from Willoughby, OH to the Lucky B13 rally in Rutherfordton, NC to Aspen, CO and back to Willoughby in 12 days and 3,900 miles. How are improvements made? The company owners experiences using their product in an extreme way. They emphasize their boondocking habits. Sounds as if the only campground they stayed in was the Four Paws CG in NC for the rally.....
..... The Neundorfers are having a new B, Runaway, being built. It will have those Italian seats I mentioned in my previous post. They mentioned Runaway and a trip they will take to Oregon this fall to an ARVfest West, an impromptu social on private property set up by ARV owners. I checked out Runaway when I was in Willoughby last month. It will have the latest advances mentioned in several of the videos.