Advanced Member
If you have accurate internal measuring tools it would be interesting to see what the truncated surface diameter is and how round and consistent the thread depth is.
I don't have an inside mic or anything like that, but I'll see if I can cobble something together with some wire to at least measure the depth of the threads.
Was the ball joint that came out carrying major thread damage also? Outside diameter measurements of the the old and new ball joint threads may be of interest.
The balljoint that I pressed out definitely has less thread than the new one. It still has enough to seat firmly in the hole, but it doesn't get as tight as the new one either. The old balljoint is a Dorman, and the new one is a Moog though.
If the materials are compatible, the welding is not bad at all, I think, but if not done right it could crack quickly.
I do have a MIG, but it's been so long that I used it I don't think that this is the job to practice on.
Preventing catastrophic failure, as in having the joint fall out of the knuckle probably could be prevented by putting some small roll pins through the extruded up part of the arm into the joint.
That's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure about the setup to get the holes straight. Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, you're suggesting I drill a couple of small holes (maybe 1/8") almost parallel to the arm and through the flange that the balljoint screws into and into the body of the joint, then drive roll pins in? I'd have to make sure I didn't drill into the 'meat' of the joint. There is a lot of metal there, so maybe 1/2" deep would be safe.
I don't know if the flange protrudes enough to clear the edge of the arm. I'd want to do this in the drill press to make sure it was straight and I don't know if I could clamp it on the required angle. I'll take a look when I'm in the garage again. I think if I do re-use the Dorman arms I'll probably go the Loctite route.
I'm still trying to pull the other arm off. It did not yield its balljoint easily. I can turn the nut, but the ball is spinning so it's not threading off. Because it's the upper joint it's hard to get pressure on it with the jack or a pry bar. I have to think about this for a bit.