One other thing. Don't forget to look at the yahoo fuserv group or the Facebook Winnebago Fuse Owners group. There is some more info that you might find useful in these places as well
2017 Fuse 23a
Tallahassee, Fl
The conFUSEd RVer
Thank you for the info. I found the Yahoo group (waiting for admin approval), but have not been able to find the FB one.
I'm probably going with the 23t. The main things I am looking to do for upgrades from the start, after watching a few YouTube videos are the following:
1: See about upgrading solar. The ZAMP ZS-30A PWM controller is a five stage, but I'd rather have a MPPT controller, so I can get every watt from panels. I also wouldn't mind tossing on an extra panel or two if there is room on the top, so I can get 200-250 watts coming in. This would go a ways to counteracting the furnace draw when boondocking, as well as keeping the batteries topped off when in storage.
2: Installing a Magnum Energy generator controller. This way, if the batteries drop below 60% SoC, the genset fires up for a few hours. I wish Onan still made the EC-30W controller, because that offered the ability to set quiet hours, and many other nice things.
3: How to deal with generator extended run times, especially boondocking in the Texas heat. I might just go with a hitch mounted cargo rack, my 3000 watt Yamaha, and a few gas cans, as the LP gas generator won't last that long, and propane is very hard to find where I am, especially on weekends.
4: How not to ever wind up putting DEF in the diesel tank. I saw this mistake cost someone with a Sprinter over $10,000, as it destroyed the entire fuel delivery system.