Do you use your wet bathroom for showers?

We have a 2017 Pleasure Way Ascent. The bathroom/shower were cramped but useable. We had the stupid little worthless bathroom sink taken out since there is a sink literally just outside the bathroom door in the coach.
This has made a huge difference in the room and ease of use for the shower.
We have a 2017 Pleasure Way Ascent. The bathroom/shower were cramped but useable. We had the stupid little worthless bathroom sink taken out since there is a sink literally just outside the bathroom door in the coach.
This has made a huge difference in the room and ease of use for the shower.

We have a RT Agile (Same 144 chassis as the Ascent). One thing we like about the RT is no sink in the bathroom (we would have removed it from the Ascent like you did). Even on the longer B chassis I don't understand the small sink in the bathroom... just use the main sink and have more bathroom space (or storage) and it less to clean, fix, and maintain.

We haven't used our shower in the van yet because the campground showers have been clean and nice so we just use those. However, in July we will be at Acadia "Schoodic Woods" with no showers, so we will use it then.
We have the CS Adventurous, and both myself and my husband use the shower with no problem. It is something you have to get use to, but it is so nice not to have to schlep everything to the shower and back.
It is wonderful having a vehicle you can drive anywhere, and have all the conveniences of home right in your van.
It is wonderful having a vehicle you can drive anywhere, and have all the conveniences of home right in your van.

Agreed! I never understood why some don't use the toilet or shower in their vans. That is one of the main reasons we bought one. It's funny, after a long trip with the van I miss having the onboard facilities when we go back to car driving...
We have a Road Trek 170. My wife and I use the shower all the time. In someway we actually prefer having our own shower. It is more convenient and we know it's clean. We developed a process and once we got use to it, it was very easy. You do have to be careful regarding to water usage, a "Navy Shower" procedure is a must especially for a 170. :)

How does it work out with aisle shower? Does a lot of water get on the floor? Also when using the toilet, is the shower curtain used for privacy or is there enough room for it to be enclosed? Thanks.
All the time

We have an older Roadtrek with the shower in the aisle and the floor drain and use the shower all the time, even when there are bath houses. My wife especially likes the privacy of using our own shower instead of waiting to use a shared facility. It did take us a few months to start using the shower since it first seemed like it would be a hassle but turned out to be not a big deal.

I like it so much that I take the van for local trips sometimes just to have the ability to shower and change my clothes without going home if I'm going fishing, working outside, fixing a car, etc and have plans to do something clean later in the day. It's really nice to get washed off, put on clean clothes, have a snack and a cup of coffee or a cold drink all wherever I happen to be at the moment.

i have been an rv'er for 18 years with 3 different class b's. i have and will never use the shower.
We have an ‘07 R.S. Adventurous and we always use the shower in our rig. If we are in a hurry, one of us will use the campground shower (if there is one) while the other uses the shower in our rig. We keep a microfiber towel on the door, and all takes is a quick wipe of the walls and sink, then I drape the curtain over the toilet lid p, turn on the fan, and in no time it’s dry. Love the shower!
Mine has the drain right in the middle and needs to be level to drain properly.

Our Iceland rental rig had a really nice solution to this:
Instead of a center drain, the floor pan had TWO drains at opposite corners. That way, being slightly off-level actually HELPED the water drain. Worked really well.
2008 190P. I use the shower, DW prefers looong campground showers. It did seem weird at first but seems quite convenient now that I’ve gotten used to it. A helpful hint...I have a food thermometer probe stuck between the water heater insulation and the tank and heat the water to 105 degrees. That way, I only have to turn on the hot water instead of balancing hot and cold faucets. It makes it easier to take a navy shower.

OK, I'll admit this may sound like a trick question, but, honestly, it's NOT....

We purchased our 2012 Roadtrek RS Adventuous one year ago, and we've never used the shower.. REALLY...
And, there's no evidence that the shower has ever been used by the original owners... they primarily used it to go to wine tasting events and took friends.... when we purchased the rig, the generator had maybe 15 hours on 5 years.. and only 26,000 miles...

Further, I've only met one person who ever actually said they took a shower in a Roadtrek 190 ... and said it was an "experience"...of course the 190 and the 210 has the shower drain in the aisle... thankfully, the RS Adventuous has a different setup.. drain is near the outside wall on the passenger side of the coach... The doors are designed to pivot and there's a five inch channel around the base of the wet bath.

Then there's the issue of everything getting you attempt to dry everything every time you use it...or does the fan take care of most of this..??

We normally are in places that have showers so we just use the facilities there...

What's your experience??

We have camped over 300 nights in our 2008 RS and have each showered at least half of those nights. We find it to be easy to do and the fan helps dry it out after. I have a shut off valve on the shower head which makes it easier too. I also use a squeegee to wipe down the walls and the floor after we shower. We have a rubber floor map similar to one you might have at your front door to wipe your feet. We remove it during showering then put it back after to help keep feet dry.
190P isle shower. When in a campground, nothing beats long hot shower if they are clean. But I find nothing wrong with the isle shower than a little thought couldn’t resolve. Having spent 92 days in the 190P last year, and already at 70+ days this year, lots of isle showers have been taken in the Roadtrek, and I don’t really see any downsides to it not that I have my ‘procedure’ worked out.

The isle shower is hard to beat once you work out the few things that might bother you. It reclaims so much space over a wet or dry bathroom, and I hate giving up so much room to something that is used so little during a day. 15 minutes tops out of 24hours doesn’t deserve all that space IMO :)

To make it easier, I replaced the bulky carpet with a lighter thiner runner carpet that is also visually more appealing, double win. I carry a squeegee for those time I am boondocking and can’t get level. With the squeegee its a minute or so max to move any pooled water to the drain, then a quick wipe with the just used towel. If level, I just stand on my towel after the shower while dressing and when dressed the floor is already dry. I’ll just leave the shower curtain out to dry if I will be outside, or if inside I’ll let it hang loosely in the cabinet to air out with a towel under it. I also replaced the original shower curtain with a nicer one.

I thought I would hate the isle shower when I bought it, but thought having it was better than not having a shower at all. In the end I’m really glad I didn’t give up all the space required for a wet bath. The isle shower works great, is convenient once you get your procedures down, and is a great trade off for the added storage and space it gives.

How does it work out with aisle shower? Does a lot of water get on the floor? Also when using the toilet, is the shower curtain used for privacy or is there enough room for it to be enclosed? Thanks.

For a Dodge 190P, if you are level nearly all the water goes down the drain which is right below the shower. If you are not level, some water will pool toward the low side. A squeegee is nice to have for off-level situations (see above).

There is a door that opens and creates privacy between the front seating area and the rear bath/shower/bed area giving you privacy. You can also separate the bed from the bath by another door and short privacy curtain if desired. So you could have someone sitting in the front seating area, and someone in the bed, and still have visual privacy from both of them while using the toilet/shower. Audible privacy is not guaranteed :)
GREAT feedback....

We have camped over 300 nights in our 2008 RS and have each showered at least half of those nights. We find it to be easy to do and the fan helps dry it out after. I have a shut off valve on the shower head which makes it easier too. I also use a squeegee to wipe down the walls and the floor after we shower. We have a rubber floor map similar to one you might have at your front door to wipe your feet. We remove it during showering then put it back after to help keep feet dry.

WOW, thanks for the idea about keeping a rubber mat inside the shower... so, you just leave it in there and take it out and place that just outside the shower when you're using it??

And, 300 nights.. sounds like you're getting your money's worth.... how long have you had the RS... acquired it new?? How many miles on that diesel..? I'm sure it's running fine.... good for you...
A few more questions... sorry...

Yes we turn on the fan while showering. We often have the hallway fan on too.

Gary, thank you for sharing this.... I imagine that the 2008 RS Adventurous has a similar shower setup like my 2012 with the floor drain in the side closet...pivoting door..and approximately 5 inch channel lip,?

Tell it relatively easy to keep the water contained in the shower area...???

Of course we're concerned about any mildew or damage to the shower curtain..looks pretty delicate ... I would like to think that if we needed a replacement in the future...we could get one?? You can't just go to Target and pick one up....

Like you..we have a shower head with an "on off switch" to enable us to take a "Navy Shower"...

These Class B's only have 30 gallons of fresh water and 21 gallons of, you have to just limit your time.... One thing I discovered is .. even the big rigs have only a 6 gallon hot water heater... so, the moment you start using water... it makes more hot water behind that...two showers back to back.......????

Do you wait a few minutes for this?????
WOW, thanks for the idea about keeping a rubber mat inside the shower... so, you just leave it in there and take it out and place that just outside the shower when you're using it??

And, 300 nights.. sounds like you're getting your money's worth.... how long have you had the RS... acquired it new?? How many miles on that diesel..? I'm sure it's running fine.... good for you...

The mat is in the bathroom except when showering
Bought it new in December 2009
90000 miles and it runs fine although I am concerned about the 20% biodiesel I must buy in Minnesota. So I watch my oil level closely and change oil at or before 10000 miles
We are getting our monies worth however we have added some things
Front coil over springs
Rear helper springs
Surge protector hard wired
Pressure water tank
Compressor refrigerator
Joni adjustable rear shocks
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Suspension system.... plus other upgrade questions on your rig...

The mat is in the bathroom except when showering
Bought it new in December 2009
90000 miles and it runs fine although I am concerned about the 20% biodiesel I must buy in Minnesota. So I watch my oil level closely and change oil at or before 10000 miles
We are getting our monies worth however we have added some things
Front coil over springs
Rear helper springs
Surge protector hard wired
Pressure water tank
Compressor refrigerator
Joni adjustable rear shocks

Hi Gary,

Yes, I've heard and read articles on the "bio-diesel".... how long has that been 20 percent in Minnesota..? I wouldn't stress about it too much... what can you really do.. ?

I'm in California and I don't know if I've seen a 20 percent blend, but, we drove across the entire country last year and went through areas that said they have 5 to 15 percent bio-diesel and no problems. One thing in your favor is I think your engine is pre-DEF.... We have the Blue-Tec emissions system and I've already had an issue... fortunately, it was all under warranty and Mercedes fixed it for free.

Our 2012 is in the shop right now for new Koni shocks all the way around, a Roadmaster anti sway bar and a track bar to stabilize the rear end...

I see that you have put new shocks on as well... maybe you remember the mileage you did that?? I'm curious because our coach has 41,000 miles.. and this seemed premature... but, with all the weight etc.

We've been consulting with a group of experts up in Grants Pass, Oregon, the name of the company is "Super Steer". They've been in business since 1961 and have been developing and assisting people who drive RV's to stabilize their rides... I inquired with them after returning from the USA trip... over uneven surfaces and approaching driveways and speed bumps, the coach pitched pretty bad and all the cabinets shook like an Earthquake..
Plus, we got caught in some pretty bad wind drafts from big rigs and just windy conditions. Has this happened to you.??

Not sure I know what you mean by

"Front coil over springs"
"Rear helper springs"

Some people I know who have a Class C, Navion, had the suspension upgrade and had Sumo Springs added as well..

When I asked Super Steer about this... they said, "NO, you don't need them" and proceeded to tell me that with the Class B... it would make the ride very rough in the back... so, I'm saving the money and skipping it.

My wife is a little dismayed by the amount of money we've invested so far, and I'm hoping that this last "upgrade" to the suspension will be it for a while besides maintenance... maintenance is a constant thing over the life of a vehicle.

On average, since you've made all of these improvements, how much would you say in just upkeep the RS has cost you annually... excluding trips, fuel, and insurance... these are fixed costs anyway.

SO... I noticed that you bought it new in December 2009... and it's a 2008 RS... usually, they use the last year's Mercedes Sprinter ... like a 2007 van converted into a 2008 product....

Our Roadtrek RS is a 2012, but , as far as Mercedes is concerned they list it as a 2011 model.

Of course, maybe you got a superb deal buying a leftover model that didn't sell... we purchased a brand new 1995 Honda Accord in June 1996... so, it can be done..

90,000 miles figures about 10,000 miles per year.. not bad..
We have the oil and fuel filter changed every 10,000 miles or once per year whatever come first. Also, I'm getting the transmission serviced once every 20,000 miles.

We're getting on average a solid 18 to 19 MPG on the road... and in the first year from 26,000 miles to 41,000 has never used any oil at all... changed once since I acquired it. Runs like a champ....

I know someone with a Winnebago Via and has the same engine as mine.. he said that his power steering high pressure hose went out around 50,000 miles... did this happen to you?

You also mentioned a pressure water tank... what does that do.?
And, you replaced your 3 way refrigerator for a compressor model?? Doesn't that use a lot more power? I like the propane because of it's efficiency.... although I know a lot of people don't like absorption refrigerators ... it has to work harder in hot weather.. Does the regular compressor work better?

Hard wired surge protector?? Was this inside the coach?
I use a surge protector on the hookup outside when I plug into shore power, seems to work fine..

Finally, what size is that rubber mat and where did you get it?? Target or Walmart?? I'm going to look for one soon...

You and others have inspired me to try using the bathroom as a shower.. why not, we sure paid a lot of money for this.. what are we saving it for??

Although.. I must confess.. I like long showers.. can't do that in the van.. :)


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Response to Mark

We bought our RS from a dealer going out of the Motorhome business. It had been a floor model/demo and had 1000 mies on it but never titled. We did get a very good deal.
Mn has had a mandate on biodiesel for a year or so.
The front coil over springs I got from the Sprinter Store in Oregon. They fit ofer the front struts and help stabilize the front end adding 600 eps or so of capacity. I got the rear spring helper kit from them also. It adds some sway resistance to the rear but also moves me away from the gross vehicle weight number. When built the RS on a 3/4 ton chassis is always close. I have plenty of capacity in my tires but the chassis was close. The gas fridge did not keep up any tome the temperature was over 50 degrees and we lost food several times. The Nova Kool 4500 is 12/120 volt and does not draw any more power on DC than the gas one. Also not as sensitive to level. So far I like it. The mat just fits the area and is about 30 x 18 inches. It looks like it is made from strips of rubber and is often used as a foot scraper at front doors of houses. I installed a two gallon bladder pressure tank in the small compartment just aft of the pump. It works just like a pressure system in a well application. It runs for 30-60 seconds building up pressure against the bladder then as we use water the bladder pushes water out until it reaches the preset on the pump and only then does the pump come on. Much nicer than having the pump run each time.
The PPI surge protector I installed in the storage area under the rear seat just aft of the refrigerator. It has a remote display I can see from the rear window as I how up to shore power.
My wife also has concerns about the things we(I) have added but likes the results.
I have not installed solar or more batteries because we usually drive every day which recharges the batteries. We do not boondocks for long periods.
Hope this answers all the questions you had. I can send pictures of the water tank if you are interested
I do some longer term kinda camping.
I use a large catch basin when I shower so that water can be used for other things.
Water on just long enough to get wet lather up and rinse.
Fan helps a lot....keep water pressure to a minimum...
Only use it when necessary.
What's your chassis weight?? 3/4 ton or 1 ton??

We bought our RS from a dealer going out of the Motorhome business. It had been a floor model/demo and had 1000 mies on it but never titled. We did get a very good deal.
Mn has had a mandate on biodiesel for a year or so.
The front coil over springs I got from the Sprinter Store in Oregon. They fit ofer the front struts and help stabilize the front end adding 600 eps or so of capacity. I got the rear spring helper kit from them also. It adds some sway resistance to the rear but also moves me away from the gross vehicle weight number. When built the RS on a 3/4 ton chassis is always close. I have plenty of capacity in my tires but the chassis was close. The gas fridge did not keep up any tome the temperature was over 50 degrees and we lost food several times. The Nova Kool 4500 is 12/120 volt and does not draw any more power on DC than the gas one. Also not as sensitive to level. So far I like it. The mat just fits the area and is about 30 x 18 inches. It looks like it is made from strips of rubber and is often used as a foot scraper at front doors of houses. I installed a two gallon bladder pressure tank in the small compartment just aft of the pump. It works just like a pressure system in a well application. It runs for 30-60 seconds building up pressure against the bladder then as we use water the bladder pushes water out until it reaches the preset on the pump and only then does the pump come on. Much nicer than having the pump run each time.
The PPI surge protector I installed in the storage area under the rear seat just aft of the refrigerator. It has a remote display I can see from the rear window as I how up to shore power.
My wife also has concerns about the things we(I) have added but likes the results.
I have not installed solar or more batteries because we usually drive every day which recharges the batteries. We do not boondocks for long periods.
Hope this answers all the questions you had. I can send pictures of the water tank if you are interested

Gary, thanks for your reply..

You mentioned that the RS is on a three quarters ton chassis...?
I find that I was told that my rig is on a one ton chassis.. maybe I'm wrong or got bad information? Or, it's about the difference in the years... my rig is newer....

So, is your Mercedes Benz based on the 2007 Sprinter model year?

Sorry, I'm a little confused about the 600eps? Could you please explain what that is? Yeah, I'm a little more of a newbie ..

I see what you mean by that bladder pressure... I noticed that anytime we run the faucet or flush the pump starts working... Interesting solution.. you have...but, I think if the pump failed, I'd just get a new one... having an extra tank seems more complicated to me...

We added a Zamp Solar Panel system and controller...I have one 160 watt panel. The guy who did the job originally thought he could install two panels...but realized that they wouldn't fit on the roof..too bad..he still has the second panel...we were both disappointed that it would not fit... BUT, I have to say... even with the one works fine.... doesn't take very long for the system to charge up.....

We've done a little boon docking mostly in National Parks.. where you frequently don't find power...and once at a Walmart on our USA was a quick sleep stop...

So, you drive the van everyday?? I don't do that...Of course, we do use it...and when we go's usually for several hundred miles... I do occasionally take it out for exercise...we have the diesel particulate filter and it's recommended to run this on the freeway for about 30 minutes to clean out the debris that builds up..

I try to avoid using the van too much in local stop and go traffic whenever I can..too many hostile drivers cutting you off... traffic here in LA has gotten way worse than it used to be...and traffic is now any time of day....

I was also thinking about the compressor refrigerator as I mentioned earlier to RV shop said..why would you do that?? And pretty much squashed the idea.. I don't know maybe I should do some independent investigation on the Nova Kool... was this a product that you searched for and found out it was the most efficient model... I see you said it doesn't use any more electric power than the gas... Of course the gas is not using any electric power on propane.....

How much more cooling are you getting??? Is it comparable to your refrigerator at home?

OK, I'll look for a 30 by 18 mat...for the bathroom...did you find that at Walmart or someplace like that???

Finally, you mentioned that you found the springs at a place in Oregon..... interesting, the place supplying my suspension upgrade is also from Oregon... here's the place right here

Super Steer

458 Redwood Hwy, Grants Pass, OR 97527
(541) 955-0769

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