Some here may remember Yan Seiner who was on the old Roadtrek Yahoo board back when I first joined in about 2008.
Yan was a civil engineer then and in Oregon. He had a Roadtrek at the time and we were both working on our early adventures in putting a compressor frigs into Roadtreks. There was close to no information to be had so had to feel our way.
He later got tied in with Roadtrek in the Hammil era as a special projects engineer consultant or some such. I ran across him in an old how to video when looking for something else today so decided to see what he is up to these days.
I was, understatement, totally surprised at what he is doing now.
Per Linkedin he is "Lead Engineer" at Tiffin motorhomes in Alabama.
I think that would have put him there during the ill fated adventure Tiffin took into the class B market a while ago, I think.
So now there is a link between the old Roadtrek and Tiffin of all things.
Yan was a civil engineer then and in Oregon. He had a Roadtrek at the time and we were both working on our early adventures in putting a compressor frigs into Roadtreks. There was close to no information to be had so had to feel our way.
He later got tied in with Roadtrek in the Hammil era as a special projects engineer consultant or some such. I ran across him in an old how to video when looking for something else today so decided to see what he is up to these days.
I was, understatement, totally surprised at what he is doing now.
Per Linkedin he is "Lead Engineer" at Tiffin motorhomes in Alabama.
I think that would have put him there during the ill fated adventure Tiffin took into the class B market a while ago, I think.
So now there is a link between the old Roadtrek and Tiffin of all things.