I have a 2020 Cardinal 5th Wheel with a Norcold Refer/Freezer. It's been stored for two weeks with no power. I connected power and the freezer works fine but the refrigerator is not working at all. Any ideas?
Just got back from a trip from Michigan to Minneapolis. Took I80 through Illinois. West of Chicago the road is so bad it feels like they have speed bumps in the middle of the highway. When we reached our first stop our residential fridge had moved quite a ways. There is a angle iron on top of...
Hello, we just bought a 2021 4007 g2. Very excited to take delivery on the 7th. One thing that concerns me is the issues I’ve seen in Facebook groups in the refrigerator that has 4 doors with the wine fridge on one side. Has anyone had luck with this unit and not replaced it?
We have a '21 Isata 3 and were curious if the outlet for the refrigerator is powered by the inverter or should be powered when the inverter is on. We have the refrigerator on and auto selected but without propane turned on, the LP LED flashes and the fridge doesn't cool.
LED Inside light has stopped working in our 12 volt Norcold in our 2021 202RBLE. In the mountains of NC now. Something new to fix when I get home. Always something.
I have a Norcold Model N8V refrigerator in my 2021 Surveyor trailer. It's pretty much a typical American made garbage product the industry loves to dump into today's RV's. We've camped about 30 days this year. It's a rare occasion this fridge will perform adequately. I've read dozens of...
Like to install roof vent to refrigerator, currently it is vented out the side and does a very poor job.
Above the fridge is a cabinet which I can frame in such to vent to the roof.
All this sounds too easy, just cut a hole in the bottom of the cabinet, frame in to vent to the roof, cut hole in...
After looking at fridge propane performance (or rather lack thereof) I'm mulling adding an inverter that the tow vehicle will power to run the fridge on AC power while driving. I'm not planning on drawing power off of the 7-pin 12V constant power, wire gauge seems too small. Because of that...
Where I'm at I need to put my RV in a parking lot and I'm gonna venture off for a couple days. I'm concerned about my refrigerator and the items in it. Can I just put it on LP gas and my stuff will stay cold.
The RV will not be plugged in or part of any energy source.
How handle this type...
I have a 2020 Forest River Wildwood 27QBXL and when we are at campgrounds plugged into electric the refrigerator temperature control light blinks and stops cooling from time to time. I have held down the Set button thinking I am resetting the unit but it still blinks. What does it mean when...
This is the second time im taking out my 2021 wildwood forest river x-lite and the fridge stopped working. I noticed there is a faded red light on the circuit board next to the fuse (6). As i pulled the fuse out it became super bright. So i replaced with a new fuse and the light dimmed. I took...
My refrigerator keeps cutting our when I drive. It will run anywhere from 5 minutes to 20 minutes but is constantly saying CHECK after that short time. I have plenty of propane. Thanx.
Hello all
New to the group here and would like to know if anyone is having issues with the cannon 12v refrigerator. Have a 2021 Grey Wolf 26 Dbhbl that has stopped cooling. Reset and restarted the refrigerator, blue lights are steady, and the fan-compressor is running but not getting cold. It...
TT F/R 2017 Rockwood ultra lite 2703WS...Reefer: Dometic mdl DMR702 mfg 2016. 3 days prior to travel date TT on shore power to cool reefer and check out other systems. Travel day switched to propane system, good to go. After 6 hour drive from So. Cal to Eastern Sierras RV resort has full hook...
We replaced the converter in our motor home 2010 Winnebago journey. That went fine but when we re-hooked the batteries up and plugged them back in, our fridge won't turn on????
Hi everyone: Well, my Dometic 2652 refrigerator went on the fritz. Maybe someone can help my trouble shoot. I am perplexed because the auto lite and the lamp in the fridge is on, but there is no cooling. My fuses seem fine. I cannot either switch to propane; it doesn't do the trick to initiate...
Hello everyone,
Brand new to the RFV world. We bought a 2008 1007 Pop up about a month ago. We have had it on the driveway and finally took it to my Aunt's Farm for "real" camping last weekend. We did not switch the fridge from AC when we were driving (think this might have been a...
Good morning All,
For those of you that have recently (last six months) brought and received a new E Pro TT, is your 12V Magic Chef fridge running properly? Is the freezer compartment keeping food frozen (below 32 degrees F)? And is the refrigerator compartment keeping food cold (below 40...
FYI, I found so far a couple posts all about this common problem… one in 2012, another more recent:
https://www.forestriverforums.com/forums/f113/wood-panel-for-fridge-keeps-falling-off-24973.html (shows the waxed paper / slide double sided tape, trick)...
Hello All,
Looking for suggestions on how to keep the refrigerator doors from flying open during driving.
I had a tri-tip fly out of the freezer once and fortunately I had turned off the water pump. It had turned on the kitchen faucet. Even the bottom doors come open with the island blocking...
My 2017 Fleet has an Isotherm Cruise 65 fridge. I've noticed that door doesn't seal very well, and always seems slightly ajar (and no, it's not set to "vent" mode). The reason seems to be the fridge door gasket at the bottom of the door having separated from the door itself.
I haven't figured...
Ok just got our new Furrion fridge installed. Seems to be working fine but the light only works when the shore power or generator is on. Is this correct? Shouldn't the fridge and the light work off of 12vdc?
I have a question about the fridge in my new trailer. After fully charging the battery, should the fridge run on battery power alone? It is beeping and flashing no AC but I thought the battery should run it for a while at least...also, if I switch to propane operation it also gives an error...
Hello RV friends,
Dometic refrigerator wont stay on. Seems to turn on and stay on for awhile after I park then shuts off after a few hours....Any ideas?
Thank you.