Advanced Member
WARNING: This is a long post.
Anyone having issues on the “TWO YEAR WARRANTY” on a Roadtrek (after the new French company, Rapido, took over)?
I bought a brand new 2020 Roadtrek SS Agile around November 2021 from a “National RV Chain” with like 10 RV dealerships across the southern states. . This was under the new French company, Rapido. Therefore it was offered with a TWO year warranty instead of the prior SIX years warranty with the previous bankrupt “Roadtrek” company.
At delivery, there were items that were “minor” and I was “promised” the RV dealer will take care of it AFTER delivery. I WAS SO WRONG!!
Granted, none were critical that will leave me stranded middle of nowhere, but considering the amount paid I would expect the RV dealer to keep their promise.
Anyway, I brought the unit back soon after delivery and left the unit with them for over a couple of months and they said “all fixed”. I travel a lot so I made a special trip by flying in to pick up the unit only to discover the majority of the items were not fixed!!! They promised AGAIN, if I bring it back later they will “fix it”. I was on a tight schedule so I took off with my “new RV”. Fast forward about half a year later, I drove long distance to that RV dealer AGAIN where I bought it and dropped it off. A couple of months later I got the call that “all fixed”. So I flew in AGAIN to pick it up. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!! Only some of the items were fixed!! The items that needed parts (I was told) were waiting on Roadtrek to ship to them. AGAIN, I was on a tight schedule so I took off with my “new RV” AGAIN.
THEN I called “Roadtrek” FOR THE FIRST TIME asking if and when they are going to ship the parts??? I was SHOCKED to find out that Roadtrek HQ NEVER got a request for ANYTHING on my unit. This is confirmed by VIN#’s. NADA, as in NOTHING!!
So I called the RV dealer and asked what is going on? Now they say the original “service adviser” no longer worked there and I am welcome to bring the unit back in to get it fixed. I confirmed with the RV dealer that my unit is still under the original TWO YEAR WARRANTY (and with ROADTREK too). So I made ANOTHER road trip with my “Roadtrek” (HAHA). These “road trips” are some 1800 miles EACH WAY!! I did call Roadtrek HQ and they told me “some of the Roadtrek authorized RV dealers are not willing to work on units that the customers bought elsewhere”. SAY WHAT!!
So I made another “road trip” with my “Roadtrek” to THE RV dealer for some 1800 miles !!! Essentially for the same issues. They wrote down each issues and typed it all up in a very “thick” almost cardboard paper stock (which must have cost a fortune). I was so upset that I was speechless when I was presented with “authorization for estimated repairs” that was almost $2200!! (Mostly for “labor”. I think only like $65 was for “parts”). I asked them all these are under warranty so why I will owe you some $2200? The service person said it’s for “diagnostic” IF ROADTREK DOES NOT PAY US. So I asked them: “If Roadtrek says to you (RV dealer), we are not paying you because we don’t think these are under warranty, then I owe you some $2200? This $2200 does NOT even “fix anything” AND the $2200 is just for “labor/diagnostics”? The RV dealer said “YES” AND IF YOU WANT ACTUAL REPAIRS, THEN THERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR “LABOR”. WTF!!!
At that point I figured I would asked for the service manager in charge. It was TOTALLY USELESS…. The service manager acted like he was doing me a favor by giving me a 50% discount for around $1100 or so!!
I asked the service manager: “ALL OF THE ITEMS ARE VISUAL “. Meaning even a 12 year old can look at it and tell “VISUALLY “ that it is defective. There is NOTHING to diagnose!! The only exception is the lithium ion batteries will not charge. I told them I’ve already called Roadtrek HQ and they told me what the problem most likely is!! That is the “AGM battery” that controls the lithium ion batteries is not holding charge. When this happens you will have to plug into shoreline for at least a few hours to bring the lithium ion batteries back online. Even then as you use the lithium ion batteries eventually the system will shut down again because the AGM battery that is controlling the lithium ion batteries will “die” and the system goes OFFLINE.
Sure enough that is what happens even as drove for miles and miles….. the UHG DID NOT charge the lithium ion batteries. Only will charge if I plug into shoreline again.
To summarize…… the RV dealer where I bought the unit from wanted to charge me for 10 hours of “labor” at $199 per hour!!
I did not have a chance to talk with Roadtrek yet since my last contact with the RV dealer. I only got voicemail recording. I guess I will try again today.
Anyone has bad experiences with Roadtrek or any other RV manufacturers or RV dealers?
Incidentally, on my prior visits for warranty work to the SAME RV dealer (which they didn’t do much anyway), they did not charge me anything. Now they wanted to. I guess RV sales are down and they needed to make money somehow somewhere??? IDK. I would not expect “charges” if I bring in my Lexus or Benz for original manufacture warranty work. I mean if it’s something I did that caused the damage then of course it’s my fault. For example if there is broken headlights. But this was not the case.
Is this UNIQUE to Roadtrek?? I’ve had TWO RV’s before. One was a Fleetwood and the other was a Jayco. Both were class C’s bought brand new and NEVER was I treated like this!! The two class C’s combined DID NOT COST AS MUCH AS THE ROADTREK (Ok, these were BEFORE COVID), but still it’s very upsetting!!
Anyone having issues on the “TWO YEAR WARRANTY” on a Roadtrek (after the new French company, Rapido, took over)?
I bought a brand new 2020 Roadtrek SS Agile around November 2021 from a “National RV Chain” with like 10 RV dealerships across the southern states. . This was under the new French company, Rapido. Therefore it was offered with a TWO year warranty instead of the prior SIX years warranty with the previous bankrupt “Roadtrek” company.
At delivery, there were items that were “minor” and I was “promised” the RV dealer will take care of it AFTER delivery. I WAS SO WRONG!!
Granted, none were critical that will leave me stranded middle of nowhere, but considering the amount paid I would expect the RV dealer to keep their promise.
Anyway, I brought the unit back soon after delivery and left the unit with them for over a couple of months and they said “all fixed”. I travel a lot so I made a special trip by flying in to pick up the unit only to discover the majority of the items were not fixed!!! They promised AGAIN, if I bring it back later they will “fix it”. I was on a tight schedule so I took off with my “new RV”. Fast forward about half a year later, I drove long distance to that RV dealer AGAIN where I bought it and dropped it off. A couple of months later I got the call that “all fixed”. So I flew in AGAIN to pick it up. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!! Only some of the items were fixed!! The items that needed parts (I was told) were waiting on Roadtrek to ship to them. AGAIN, I was on a tight schedule so I took off with my “new RV” AGAIN.
THEN I called “Roadtrek” FOR THE FIRST TIME asking if and when they are going to ship the parts??? I was SHOCKED to find out that Roadtrek HQ NEVER got a request for ANYTHING on my unit. This is confirmed by VIN#’s. NADA, as in NOTHING!!
So I called the RV dealer and asked what is going on? Now they say the original “service adviser” no longer worked there and I am welcome to bring the unit back in to get it fixed. I confirmed with the RV dealer that my unit is still under the original TWO YEAR WARRANTY (and with ROADTREK too). So I made ANOTHER road trip with my “Roadtrek” (HAHA). These “road trips” are some 1800 miles EACH WAY!! I did call Roadtrek HQ and they told me “some of the Roadtrek authorized RV dealers are not willing to work on units that the customers bought elsewhere”. SAY WHAT!!
So I made another “road trip” with my “Roadtrek” to THE RV dealer for some 1800 miles !!! Essentially for the same issues. They wrote down each issues and typed it all up in a very “thick” almost cardboard paper stock (which must have cost a fortune). I was so upset that I was speechless when I was presented with “authorization for estimated repairs” that was almost $2200!! (Mostly for “labor”. I think only like $65 was for “parts”). I asked them all these are under warranty so why I will owe you some $2200? The service person said it’s for “diagnostic” IF ROADTREK DOES NOT PAY US. So I asked them: “If Roadtrek says to you (RV dealer), we are not paying you because we don’t think these are under warranty, then I owe you some $2200? This $2200 does NOT even “fix anything” AND the $2200 is just for “labor/diagnostics”? The RV dealer said “YES” AND IF YOU WANT ACTUAL REPAIRS, THEN THERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR “LABOR”. WTF!!!
At that point I figured I would asked for the service manager in charge. It was TOTALLY USELESS…. The service manager acted like he was doing me a favor by giving me a 50% discount for around $1100 or so!!
I asked the service manager: “ALL OF THE ITEMS ARE VISUAL “. Meaning even a 12 year old can look at it and tell “VISUALLY “ that it is defective. There is NOTHING to diagnose!! The only exception is the lithium ion batteries will not charge. I told them I’ve already called Roadtrek HQ and they told me what the problem most likely is!! That is the “AGM battery” that controls the lithium ion batteries is not holding charge. When this happens you will have to plug into shoreline for at least a few hours to bring the lithium ion batteries back online. Even then as you use the lithium ion batteries eventually the system will shut down again because the AGM battery that is controlling the lithium ion batteries will “die” and the system goes OFFLINE.
Sure enough that is what happens even as drove for miles and miles….. the UHG DID NOT charge the lithium ion batteries. Only will charge if I plug into shoreline again.
To summarize…… the RV dealer where I bought the unit from wanted to charge me for 10 hours of “labor” at $199 per hour!!
I did not have a chance to talk with Roadtrek yet since my last contact with the RV dealer. I only got voicemail recording. I guess I will try again today.
Anyone has bad experiences with Roadtrek or any other RV manufacturers or RV dealers?
Incidentally, on my prior visits for warranty work to the SAME RV dealer (which they didn’t do much anyway), they did not charge me anything. Now they wanted to. I guess RV sales are down and they needed to make money somehow somewhere??? IDK. I would not expect “charges” if I bring in my Lexus or Benz for original manufacture warranty work. I mean if it’s something I did that caused the damage then of course it’s my fault. For example if there is broken headlights. But this was not the case.
Is this UNIQUE to Roadtrek?? I’ve had TWO RV’s before. One was a Fleetwood and the other was a Jayco. Both were class C’s bought brand new and NEVER was I treated like this!! The two class C’s combined DID NOT COST AS MUCH AS THE ROADTREK (Ok, these were BEFORE COVID), but still it’s very upsetting!!