Have a look at this thread:
talk your wife out of it- unless your van of interest has one
... a power awning is more stuff to break and a class B is all about managing energy use- you won't always be on shore power.
My van ( 2006 Pleasure Way Lexor on a chev...similar in size to a R/T pop 190) has a Fiamma F45i- it is well engineered and I can get it in & out by myself - but help of spouse is much better.
needs to be stowed if windy
if breezy, legs should attach to van ( so the both move together, not stressing the awning as it may with legs to ground
...speaking of legs- walking into them make for a 3 stooges moment
I work as a tech and tour working on gtrs and amps- 42 years in I can say with confidence I have worked for some of your favorite artists.
when I'm off tour, planes and hotels are not my idea of a vaca- we camp.
I have a couple of instruments I can stow behinds the drivers seat- the largest being a martin backpacker or a steinberger, often a uke or mando is stashed there ( hauling a jumbo isn't fun for the space it chews up unless I'm alone)
cheers, Mike