I read through the topics re: Class B Shipments on RV net and the Roadtrek Yahoo Group a short time ago.
The March stats are now out and the downward trend from the 2007 stats continues. The stats for Class B Shipments don't look that bad compared to 2006 though.
The data is compiled by the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA).
http://www.rvia.org/Content/NavigationM ... efault.htm
There's a PDF for the March 2008 stats here:
http://www.rvia.org/Content/NavigationMenu/MarketDataTrends........PDF Link
As noted previously, shipments for Class B's compare somewhat favorably to 2006 but are remarkably down when comparing them to 2007.
Mike Barry from the Roadtrek Yahoo Group posted the contents of an email from Ben Spengen, the Service, Warranty & Parts Manager, for Roadtrek Motorhomes Inc. which basically pointed out that "Roadtrek Sales are Alive and Well".
That's good to know. I hope things stabilize and improve for all Class B Manufacturers. It's easy to forget that many hard working people's jobs depend on those "shipments". I hate to hear of layoffs etc.
Has anyone heard anything from other manufacturers?
What are you thoughts re: this downturn?