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My 1988 Dodge xplorer Xtra Van
I have owned a 1973 Xplorer since 1993 and I don't ever want to sell it. However, I am now converting mine to all electric.
Because of a bad propane regulator, there was an explosion inside. I was able to put out the fire before any outside damage occured. I have since repaired the inside but I will Never buy or use propane again.
With today's advances in RV generators and solar panels, there is no reason to use a danger like propane.
Now, I know why boats don't use propane.
Don't be too unkind to propane. Propane is a popular fuel that provides lots of energy per pound. Why would you be averse to carrying propane while you are sitting on top of 35 gallons of highly combustible gasoline? Any energy source has potential for problems ( have you seen any articles of Tesla cars self-combusting?) Be safe with any and all potential energy sources.
I have a 1990 Xplorer 230 and I am looking for one of the small windows that crank out. Does anyone have one they would be willing to sell or know where to find one. I've search everywhere with no luck.[/QUOTE
Check this shop out. They'll build one for you to your specifications.]
Most of the restorations/repairs i have seen online have replaced the OEM plumbing with PEX. Readily available and very simple to use with Shark Bite fittings. Running the piping is another story.Does anyone know how to get to pipes to replace
On xplorer