Please explain why they are no longer available.... here's the thing.... many cars .. use the same engine for a really long time....for car used the same engine from 1989 to 2012...then it was redesigned...
2008 to 2018 is a pretty short run.....
And the OM 642 Mercedes Benz 3 litre V6 is still in production since it was introduced in 2005....
They don't spend a lot of money for research and development of a brand new engine like the OM 654 for nothing.... that's all I'm saying.....
That's what drives me crazy about this kind of thread:
People go into it with a pre-determined belief, and simply make stuff up in an effort to support their belief. In this case:
1) The OM-651 is still very much in production (although it will soon be superseded by the OM654). It was dropped from the Sprinter due entirely to emissions-related regulatory issues. Mercedes apparently deemed it not cost-effective to certify two different diesel engines just before introducing a brand new one.
2) The claim that "2008 to 2018 is a pretty short run" is complete BS. If you look at MB 4-cylinder production starting in the 1990s, you will see that there have been five engines whose entire lifetime was in that period. The median of those lifetimes was
eight years. So, even if 651 ends right now, it will be a rather old engine by modern standards.
These are simple facts, and a readily verifiable. These threads would be a lot more interesting if folks would do a little fact-checking instead of posting whatever pops into their heads to support what they want to believe. over riding point was that my personal mechanic in his professional opinion was that the V6 with the 5 speed transmission was a better balanced powerplant.
I assume that this is the same "trusted mechanic" whom you have mentioned before -- the one who believes that he or she knows more about oil change intervals than the manufacturer. You will forgive me a bit of skepticism.
You never addressed the noise factor.
That's because there isn't one.
OK... admittedly, I have not seen any of the FOURS... heard them or driven one..... how quiet is it.. you probably did test drive each of them... please tell me...
I have already told you. This engine is a dream in almost every possible way. Just try to find
owners who will say otherwise. Since you seem so motivated, I'm sure you can come up with one or two, but any honest analysis will reveal overwhelming enthusiasm for this product, including by those of us with heavy RVs.
An open mind can learn many valuable things.