For the Chev 3500- $370 for all 4 4600 series
the shocks under there are reasonable but feel worn- and this last trip had us exposed to some really terrific crosswinds- even at the moderate speeds we drive ...65 ish.
High profile catches the wind pretty good, the hoping to resist or dampen the body roll
I under stand that monroes might be good but that the bilsteins might just be that 15 or 20% better
good new on this trip ( Padre Island- fantastic) is that the new obd reader and obdfusion show me a real 17.1 MPG
which is dandy
the shocks under there are reasonable but feel worn- and this last trip had us exposed to some really terrific crosswinds- even at the moderate speeds we drive ...65 ish.
High profile catches the wind pretty good, the hoping to resist or dampen the body roll
I under stand that monroes might be good but that the bilsteins might just be that 15 or 20% better
good new on this trip ( Padre Island- fantastic) is that the new obd reader and obdfusion show me a real 17.1 MPG
which is dandy