I got thinking about the whole fuel economy subject, and the topics of some of the threads on here recently, and came to the conclusion that it's not as important to me, as it might be to others, any more. I guess when you own an aging class B van, and realize that fuel economy is what it is, and that you can only do so much about it, it sort of pales by comparison to some of life's other challenges.
Actually, I think I get pretty good gas mileage for a "loaded to the stops" whale of a cargo van, that isn't terribly aerodynamic, weighs more than a Smart Car, and is definitely not running the most technically up to date engine and transmission (what the heck, call it the whole drive train and suspension) combination to provide me with the greatest fuel economy.
I'm pretty sure I can improve it somewhat by my driving habits, by where I drive meaning the geographical and geological area and terrain, by using better quality or higher octane fuel, by keeping it as well maintained as possible, watching the tire pressure and their condition, try not to add too much extra stuff on the outside that might create extra drag, keep the weight under control (reduce overall cargo and run with empty F/G/B tanks when possible), but there's not a lot more that anyone can do that's going to make a huge amount of difference to the overall average, that I know of.
I know even a tiny bit of savings adds up over time and miles, but the only way to really improve the fuel economy of anyone's RV is to never leave the driveway. Like the folks in some of the various Yahoo Class B RV Groups that sound like they mostly do nothing but meaningless tweaks and mods to their vans all day, but never seem to go anywhere in them. At least they don't talk about their trips as much as the new curtains, or the water bottle holder they added to the countertop, or the fridge fan mod, the new hanging coffee maker, and the lists go on and on. They probably never worry about fuel economy because I don't think the majority of them ever go anywhere. They've got it figured out, "don't start the engine and you'll maximize your gas mileage".
Sorry, if my monologue offends anyone, I intend no offense in any of my posts.
My point is, that I'm convinced you gotta break some gas mileage (for a start) eggs to make an RV adventure omelet happen, and I just hope we don't lose sight of that. Life can be overly complex, and unexpectedly short at times, and I wouldn't want to see anyone short change themselves when it comes to RV-ing, and getting the most out of the many adventures that await us, if we'd just put the damn keys in them, and some fuel, and get going. :supz:
And that's my take on it, for what it's worth. :mrgreen:
Now, all of you, get out there and travel (safely, of course) !!!!! :wave: