The potential problem with these batteries are the same problems light harvest solar in Portland had with cheaper solar charge controllers he sold. As he is thrifty and most people are so finding that option that can work at the lowest price is appealing to alot of buyers.
He now offers another solar charge controller a chinese brand which seems to be most exclusive to him. As can't find other sellers unless mail order from china. On top of this the other cheap chinese controllers he sold in the past he now points out the problems on the website they have had. But for some reason these new ones are the King stuff.
Leaves very little credibility in my view as sometimes spending more on a proven product is a wise choose. However on the other end of the spectrum maybe he has learned the hard way and is doing more tests before offering to his customers. I support him as I appreciate the results he shares and now the honesty too.
Light Harvest Quote
"Since we test so many products, we have come to find that about 1 in 4 "mail order" charge controllers work as advertised, about 1 in 10 we like, and only the rare few we will sell. At first, we sold the black ones with gold faces, but they got hot and the screen went dark. Then we sold the Tracer series with no meters, good but expensive and feature shy. Then we sold the EP series but those had 1 serious flaw and could not develop full power in low light. We've tried a big list of other controllers too, they range from OK to D.O.A .
Of course, price, and functionality absolutely have to be top notch and the SRNE's have excelled where others fell short. Right out of the box the quality is apparent.
Remote meter available for the data hungry or when you have to tuck the controller out of sight.
All controllers have a down side, and the SRNE has pesky terminals, so be patient there.
The SRNE MPPT's also comes with remote battery temperature sensor."
SRNE ML4860, 60 Amp MPPT Digital Solar Charge Controller