Yeah, but they have great grits for breakfast!
Also think their biscuits are top notch. But I don't like their coffee.
Yeah, but they have great grits for breakfast!
The older I get and the more I know about more things, the more I see 'writers' who know less, and editors who know even less.
They all get paid to write and publish an article. It apparently starts and ends there.
The older I get, the writers distort, exaggerate and lie more - often for money and sometime power, etc. e. g.
YouTube ambassadors and many other blogs. What I thought of as legitimate news out-lets now create what I call 'click-bate'. The title of the news article
is not really what the article is about and is sometimes worse yet.
Lying has become an acceptable 'way of life' 'life style'....... in the last few years, as I've gotten older. Needed to kinda phrase it like that or avanti would shoot me.
Even the science writer stuff has changed, per a German theoretical astrophysicist. That I'm guessing is that there is simply less dollars to spend on investigating reporting, accuracy....... But I suppose that is true about all of it since the www, and since the beginning of journalism........
Davydd, an update - interestingly, more of the same:
It is all bad if promoting masks don't work with covid.
I read the Article about the Rental, Cracker Barrel, malfunctioning Heater.....I had a gut feeling it was nothing more that a Hit Job on B’s.