At the Florida RV Super Show Thor and Winnebago floated concept vans. Thor says their van will have a 300 mile range and Winnebago said 125 miles. Both were on the Transit platform. Winnebago said the battery was 84K watt. That is about 6X the biggest Volta battery system put in a camper van. They justified with research most people only go 125 miles. You could have fooled me. I put on 5,000 miles in this past 2 weeks in month of January. Haven’t they realized the advantage of camper vans is you can drive them a long way? Anyway, 125 miles wouldn’t get you up to the lake regions of Minnesota from Minneapolis and then where are you going to charge your batteries coming home. I suspect similar scenarios all over the country and out west worse. They said they have been developing it for 2 years. How long will it really become feasible?
I guess it is coming…
I guess it is coming…