I'm seriously thinking about signing up with Coach Net for emergency roadside assistance and towing.
AAA Premier RV membership has changed their policies from a 100 mile tow to only a $500 credit towards any towing service.
If you have had a positive or negative experience with Coach Net, please share.
The benefit package from Coach Net looks very impressive. I suppose it's possible to get good or bad experience from any company. However, they seem to be telling me that with Coach Net they would tow me to the nearest Mercedes Benz dealership no matter how far away it is.
AAA Premier RV membership has changed their policies from a 100 mile tow to only a $500 credit towards any towing service.
If you have had a positive or negative experience with Coach Net, please share.
The benefit package from Coach Net looks very impressive. I suppose it's possible to get good or bad experience from any company. However, they seem to be telling me that with Coach Net they would tow me to the nearest Mercedes Benz dealership no matter how far away it is.