New Member
I have a 1977 Dodge Xplorer 307 - 400 / 8 cylinder motor. She's just the Xplorer - not Xtravaganza or anything. I'm only the 3rd owner and she only has.... ready..... 42K miles! It was GIVEN to me by my mom and stepdad. I am about to be living in her (hopefully by this weekend). I just learned last night that the HOT WATER HEATER doesn't work! EEEK! So, I'm in search of one. I have the original manual (a God send but I don't have it with me right now. I will add the details of the hot water heater later today. Any/all suggestions vastly appreciated! I'm going to rehab her and keep her retro - but retro hippie, not retro Brady Bunch.
Any suggestions on remodeling will also be appreciated!