I live in the south carolina so our winters are not harsh so all I ever do is drain all the water and leave the faucets open, I've been following this procedure for years and have had no problems. I now have a new 5th wheel and all this talk about running anitfreeze thru the water systems has...
Sadly, I started winterizing our Wildwood 17EXL for the winter. I have drained and bypassed the water heater, blown out all the water lines including toilet and drained water fromthe low point drains. I was surprised how much water came out with the compressed air even after draining the lines...
I'm stocking up on some emergency fluids to keep on hand while tooling down the road. I found a sticker that listed the type of antifreeze used in my Berkshire as it came from the factory. It's Alliance SCA Heavy Duty Coolant. I found a website that say the fluid is either pink or purple. Mine...
Ok, maybe I am not Einstein, but when I winterized our 'late pup' I had no problem getting the very noisy pump to pick up the antifreeze. Just finished the install of the winterization kit on the new Wildwood 26bhxl, but I can not get it to pic up the antifreeze. Checked all the fitings...
I am wondering what the consensus is on just blowing out your water lines or pumping Antifreeze thru them? I realize out of 10 responses, I'll get 5 for each... I've always pumped antifreeze, but this year, I blew the lines out for now since I will be using it in a few weeks and it's been...