I have a 2000 RT Versatile on a Chevy chassis. I’ve been struggling with water leaks in the backend for a couple of years now. It Looks like it’s coming from the side windows now. Has anyone had this problem?
It seems strange there’s no visibility of water coming from the window.
Looking for some help on the source of water getting into my Chevy chasis 2000 Roadtrek van. Recently I noticed water stains around the perimeter of the cushions in the back.
To remedy the problem, I pulled the rear and side panels. Someone had drilled 4 screw holes to install a license plate...
I have a 2000 Roadtrek and have put 3/4 C. antifreeze in the water port behind the seat per the manual. I can not get the pink stuff to circulate and come out the water faucet. Should I add more anitfreeze??
I drained the lines as the manual directed.
I have a 2000 Roadtrek Versatile 200 too! I LOVE it. Sure it comes with it's set of issues, maintenance and fixing things but it is a joy to travel in it....and I like sleeping in my pwn bed each night too.
I have some mold/mildew around the perimeter of the back cushions. I leave them flat and...
I have mold in the rear upholstery of my 2000 Roadtrek van. There are water stains and some mold stains up about 3" around the perimeter of the back of the van.
I had it detailed and used CLR Mildew Remover afterwards to remove it and it still makes me sneeeze and gives me a slight headache when...