Saw this ad on Craigslist, googled and googled and could find NOTHING on this, also wondered how they got it in, because am aware of import restrictions of RV due to the "chicken" law and different emission standards. Seller has posted this in various cities, though for sale in UT, has a AZ area code on phone.
Called service dept of Mercedes dealer near Provo, thinking it might have been serviced there and they had never heard of it either and also knew about the "chicken law" and even went to a UK forum for RV's, there was a charge (also did not even have a section for B vans!)-hurrah-for free forums in the U.S. and will post one on Sprinter Forum. Probably won't buy one sigh, have to get a mini-van (yes, yes, I know that's not a Class B but closest thing to one) and a camper conversion kit from either River Leaf, Roadloft, Freeway or Vanpackers, sigh, but wish US makers thought of that idea but my curiosity has piqued so is why asking this question.
Called service dept of Mercedes dealer near Provo, thinking it might have been serviced there and they had never heard of it either and also knew about the "chicken law" and even went to a UK forum for RV's, there was a charge (also did not even have a section for B vans!)-hurrah-for free forums in the U.S. and will post one on Sprinter Forum. Probably won't buy one sigh, have to get a mini-van (yes, yes, I know that's not a Class B but closest thing to one) and a camper conversion kit from either River Leaf, Roadloft, Freeway or Vanpackers, sigh, but wish US makers thought of that idea but my curiosity has piqued so is why asking this question.