I must admit to not having read this thread very carefully, but do I understand correctly that all this passion is being generated around the choice of
electric blankets?
Addressing your confusion, no, it's more than that - it invokes the
mere-exposure effect,
confirmation bias,
cognitive dissonance, and a host of other psychological phenomena.
It's THAT THING that happens routinely on every forum when some posters decide that what's best for THEM is necessarily, by definition, best for EVERYONE, without any regard to context or situational factors.
My husband and I are a mechanical engineer and a scientist respectively. We deal with facts and numbers in our decision trees. The suggestion that any given van appurtenance is unconditionally the answer to
life, the universe, and everything is diametrically opposed to every investigative principle that STEM education has ever taught us.
And the answer to the next obvious question (why even get involved) is that there are newbies reading these forums (more lurkers than most posters realize) who may accidentally fall for any given proclamation, because the promoters of them do their best to be infectious with their projections, couching them in eureka terms intended to deflect closer inspection.
For example, if you remember on this forum, a while back we had a poster who believed that propane generators were THE ANSWER, and that the only viable van development paradigm going forward was a propane basis. That poster is entitled to his opinion, and as long as he expresses it within forum rules, he's in bounds.
But for crying out loud, we do have some degree of collective reputation to uphold here - we can't let that stuff go unchallenged. So what we did in that instance was to create a table - objective, factual information - summarizing posters' van configurations. From that, a newbie could conclude, "Hey, this one guy thinks propane is the only answer, but virtually none of these other guys have gone that way with their upfitting, and they have been successful with their designs... hmmm... maybe the first guy's claim is sketchy."
I'm reminded of the very bedrock of 1A: The solution to undesirable speech or misguided speech or incomplete speech is not less speech or restricted speech. It's MORE speech, so that in the marketplace of ideas, the most appropriate ones can rise to the top. So I just delivered another chunk of speech right here.