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gerrym51 is on a distinguished road

gerrym51 gerrym51 is offline

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  1. dc83
    02-17-2016 05:11 PM
    Thanks for the information. Will get in contact with Dave and Steve.
    What do you know about the Ecotrek batteries not as powerful as their 400 amp rating?
    Why is volt start a crutch?
    I remember your debate on class b forum about whether to get the 2nd alternator or not.
    Too much alternator not enough battery was your logic. I had a conversation with Len McDougall southeastern sale manager. How many amps between the 2 alternators would go to charging the batteries I asked? 500 amps or so max capacity. 220 chassis and 280 gu.
    He said the chassis alternator was only diverted to the chassis and the gu to the coach.

    So what was your journey in deciding for the gu? If I remember right the 220 you argued was sufficient and a cost effective way to go. So if you don't get the gu the 220 covers both the chassis and coach?
    Thanks again for your help, Donn & Clancy


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  • Join Date: 12-28-2010
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