TV, DVD and Cadence Amplifier
Working to get all components wired and working with each other again.
When we picked up our rig, the original Samsung TV/Monitor had been replaced with a 24" TV (way too big and heavy for the TV frame) and was disconnected from both the amplifier and the DVD player.
Actions -
- 1st thing test 12v plug-in behind TV
a. 12v was dead
We recently discovered that we have on/off switch under the passenger side rear bench with no idea what it is connected to. When turning on this switch we found that it activates the 12v TV plug on the antenna booster plate. (I'm dumb founded, who would have guess this; I've not seen this switch highlighted in any of the rig's original documents/brochures from PW or the original owner.)
However, amplifier still does not come on. And although with the 12v DC switch in the on position, I can load a DVD into the player and it seems to want to read/play.
- I'm still looking for a 12v dc TV
- looking to reinforce door lock and hinge |
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