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Conversation Between Bobow and Julia
Showing Profile Comments 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Julia
    05-28-2019 11:12 AM
    Good morning. I have recently purchased a 1998 Dodge Roadtrek 190 Popular and am having some issues and questions. I notice that you have the same Roadtrek and wondered if you would mind corresponding briefly with me? I am trying to get the RT prepared to take my son on a cross country trip this summer - that is why I bought the Roadtrek. It is taking a lot of time, research , youtube video-watching, blood, sweat and tears for me to even get acquainted with this little RV. I'm praying that we will be able to enjoy it because I spent nearly all of my money on it, and only after I purchased it did I learn (not from my seller but from the owner previous to my seller) that the Roadtrek had not been winterized in TWO YEARS, and was outside in the harsh, cold, snowy Maine winters. You can imagine what happened when I put some water in the fresh water tank to test the water systems. So that's where I am so far. Thank you for any guidance you might be willing to share. Julia

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