A 6 speed (or 10!!) is on the list of desired mods, 4X4, and swapping out the steel block 6.0 for the LS2 in the GTO, buuuuuuut that's a looong ways off! (likely never, but its fun to dream)
I updated the D1/L1 gear hold, I didn't even realize it would shift out of first until I tried it today - stooooopid design in a heavy vehicle. I understand in a rental car and passenger car, but we're trying to slow the vehicle down, give me the gear!! Also upped the MPH that will allow D1/L1 to engage - good mods!
I noticed your tune has short shifts and doesn't tach out the engine, I guess you did that for MPG?? I've kind of done the opposite, enabled PE at 70% throttle and no RPM delay to get full HP, knocked a couple seconds off of the TurdWrek's 0-60 times.
trying to decide how I want to attack the 2nd gear no-lock-up and still run up to redline as needed *only for accelerating, normally stay below ~3700rpm for pulls up hill.
@Booster & DickTill what section of the shift tables is "the annoying rolling hill downshift" that you are talking about. because I'd also like to get rid of the cruise control rev-limit-double-down-shift. I think it's the high MPH @100% TPS in downshifts for 2nd and 3rd?
Also, I see you upped the TCC shift PWM, what's that for? quicker/firm shifts?