Originally Posted by joannehafner
i just received the owners manual and it's invaluable. i am used to the gravity pump, which i love. i really dislike this set-up. i am looking into having it changed, if possible. i also am not used to such a different set-up. my last rv was a rialta, and the first, the love of my life, was a 17ft leisure way, both using the gravity system. many thanks for your reply, i love this forum.
The macerator on your 190 was included as standard equipment, not a profit oriented option. You might well be OK without it but on the Chevy the dump hose height seems fairly low to the ground and with just gravity feed there may be dumping incidents where you just don't have sufficient hose pitch to drain well. With the positive pressure macerator, that ceases to be a problem. Some folks on the forum have reconfigured their macerator setup so that it normally remains on line but can be conveniently bypassed. IMO, that's a better approach than eliminating the macerator in its entirety.
BTW, one thing easy to forget on your coach is that if you discharge the batteries down too much, when plugging into shoreside, the battery charger will not start up unless you run the engine for a brief period to kick start the charger into liftoff. It's no big deal but without knowing that, things can get confusing.
The manual for your year 190 is surprisingly comprehensive, much more so than the manual for our 2017 210PC.