{2008 Chevy 2500 170P}
Finishing up the effort, then comes the documentation. I'll use this thread to post all the photos of the effort, lessons learned, ideas.
The Window AC unit has a remote and I have no need for the Duo-Therm Thermostat to control it. Some of the wires remaining may serve some future purpose - perhaps. And, I've also pulled a set of 4 wire from the upper station where the Dometic resided to the Power Panel in the cabin. I plan to join these to provide the signal to the thermostat.
I plan on replacing the Duo-Therm thermostat with one of the 2 wire digital units other folks here on the forum have used (something that is AAA battery powered). All I want to do at the thermostat is operate the Suburban Propane Furnace. I will do this in 2 steps. First, using the Duo-Therm thermostat in place. Then, purchase and replace with an appropriate digital, 2 wire programmable thermostat.
Which 2 wires will I need?
1. Which ones on the Duo-Therm panel signal the Furnace?
2. Where can I find the 2 blue wires for the furnace?
There are supposed to be two (2) blue wires to make relay to the furnace.
But at the duo-therm not so.
The schematic at the furnace shows:
At the thermostat - I suspect the WHITE and the BLUE are the 2 signal wires I am looking to use to signal a start of the furnace - but, I am loathe to let the "magic Smoke" out until I've asked the questions:
1. Which ones on the duo-therm thermostat panel are for the Furnace?
2. Where can I find the 2 blue wires for the furnace? Power Panel area? Water heater space? At the Furnace - obviously, but a long way to go.
Advise and suggestions welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Cheers - Jim