coach battery- dirt, dirt, dirt !
My coach battery lives in a sliding drawer in front of the rear axle (2006 PW Lexor).
It is a lead-acid battery and requires the electrocyte level be maintained- for that i have a bottle of distilled water in the garage.
I check the battery condition with a meter every once in a while from inside the coach( the control panel meter is too coarse) and it always reads good- but I have been lazy about checking the level.
what i found:
level good, battery condition good
lots of dirt on the battery case- dirt and moisture on the battery case can allow electrons to migrate between the battery posts, discharging the battery ( slightly and slowly).
I cleaned with sponge and soapy water, patted dry.
I need to check this more often.
alot of dirt in the lube on my slides, cleaned it out as I could and new lube.
3.) examining the cables I could see rub marks from the hardware- I slit some hosing and slide over the cables, secured with zip ties.
I feel better now and the fault is on me for not keeping a closer eye on this.