Originally Posted by Skutumpah
I test drove a Chevy 3500 van last week. The dash displayed mileage as 4mpg,
Mine is 2006 Pleasure-Way Lexor TS on a 2005 chev 3500 which weighs well over 8000 pounds, the top makes it about 8'8" high...add vent cover and AC gets to 9'4"
Vortec 6.0 w/ 3sp w/OD ( later models have more speeds, closer ratios)
15 to 16 MPG is what we get cruising at our usual 65~70 with 88/90 octaine 10% ethanol.
the midgrade fuel allows more ignition advance- lower grades may have the timing less advanced and can offer poor-er MPG.
the 85 in CO is useless
I see with many things RV, the cutting edge can be expensive and the results may not always be there.
appliances and energy generation and storage.