I have been data cable illiterate for a long time, but have become increasingly frustrated with having overly long data cable coiled up all over the place in our Roadtrek. While working contract at my old employer last year, I was whining about it to my favorite contract machine integrator that I had called in to do some work. He is one of the most practical, talented, integrators I have ever run across, so I tend to listen to him most of the time
. As is his nature, he was very blunt (really like that), and said to forget all the dedicated strippers and crimpers that are overpriced and don't work very well. He said go to Home Depot and get one of these:
Klein Tools Ratcheting Modular Crimper/Stripper-VDV226011SEN - The Home Depot
claiming it worked very well for just about everything data. He wound up with one when one of his high buck crimpers broke and the only store around was Home Depot.
I followed orders and got one, and have to say I am impressed with it. I have used it to strip and crimp 6P/4C, 6P/6C, Cat5 and some phone stuff besides, both round and flat cable. It worked perfectly on all of them, once I got my end of it right. I even managed to put Cat5 cable onto a 6P/4C connector successfully to use an existing in wall cable in the van (thanks Avanti for suggesting I try it). I have no experience with the more expensive, specific, tools, but can't imagine they could do a lot better than this one at $30.
I usually stay away from recommending specific brand tools, but this Klein is really well done.