Skylight replacement and vent caps
In my previous post I replaced my roof AC. While up there I was shocked to find several cracks in my outer skylight panel. I have the 1999 HD model. Luckily no stains on the inside ceiling but it wouldn't have been long. I also noticed that the vent caps (lavvy pipe and kitchen pipe) were badly cracked. I ordered all parts from Winnebago Parts and prices were reasonable. I am always greatful to just find stuff from them, rather than spend forever finding them on my own. I would highly recommend checking your skylights.
Note about replacement skylights: Winnebago sells them without the holes drilled. The factory drill divets around the perimeter are still there as a guide. They sold me 4 mounting brackets that are supposed to go on the corners. That is a quick fix and I wouldn't trust the mid sections to hold down and properly seal this way. NO need to purchase those and they run around $40. Go ahead and drill the holes and you will find that they line up with the existing holes on the roof. The skylight is longer one way so be sure you mount it right. I bought new stainless steel sheet metal screws with a nice pan head. These were the next size up from the originals which some were a bit stripped. I applied Butyl Tape to the metal rooftop alongside and over the holes. Then, I carefully placed the skylight on and gradually tightened the screws slowly around and around the perimeter to allow the Butyl to flatten out and make a complete seal. The vent caps were pretty straightforward but I would purchase a couple more bags of those screws as they are most likely stripped. After finishing, I applied a good bead of Lapping Compound (RV supply house) around the edge of the skylight and vent caps. Also, a final dab over each screw and it should look as good as factory.