Originally Posted by Bruceper
Sounds like you boiled your brake fluid. Flush with clean fluid that is a step up from what currently is in your vehicle. Alternatively just use DOT5.1 fluid which is the highest temperature rated brake fluid.
I would agree on the boiled fluid, those are the classic symptoms. Since you weren't using the brakes, something else got them hot enough to boil the fluid. It could have been exhaust shield that fell of by a brakeline or any heat source. The most likely is that a caliper was stuck and the brake dragging and getting hot enough to boil the brake fluid in the cylinder.
If the brake fluid hadn't been changed recently it could be full of water which will lower the boiling point a whole bunch, making boiling much more likely. Current recommendations are to flush and replace the brake fluid every 2-3 years.
I am not a fan of the Dot5 silicone fluids for numerous reasons, so usually use Dot 4, which is normal chemical brake fluid but has a higher boiling point. I notice a lot of new cars are starting to use it, also.
If you don't find a stuck caliper or other assignable cause, there is also a chance that it could be the master cylinder or booster if your van uses one (newer Chevies don't). Stuck check valves in either can cause what you saw, also.