Hi again,
Just to be clear you need to hold the 16mm nut (it is part of the part that holds the rod in there tight against the bolt, not an independent nut with its dedicated thread, etc.
This 16 mm nut allows you to not pass any torque into the rod itself while torquing the retaining bolt while keeping the rod aligned with the cable and avoiding bending it or braking it.
How did I learn that? the hard way: I just came from breaking this rod due to failure to hold that nut in place while torquing the retaining bolt, so now I am in search for a new cable, Brick wall
Also, I think I found the real culprit for my problem:
I think what was going on in my shifting problems. ( shifter going fine from P to 1st but not the other way around) I believe this was the original cable and it had lengthened to the point of needing adjustment a long time ago, and while maybe it was kinda within specs or so it was still shifting but not ideally and crisp, and in the unknown side of things it was moving the sheath enough in and out of the cable end metal part towards the shifter lever in the cabin, ending at some point dislodging the crimp or the proper seating of these two parts. Then eventually being a little too long for the sheath length it would start pushing into the bend of the cable and pulling the sheath out of that end piece and when coming back in the other direction it would get hung by its longitudinal threads on the metal end piece creating a spacer like effect. Then the gears would go out of wack. The main thing is that the sheath should not be able to slip off inside the end pieces in any of the ends of it. That's what I think happened, then even when I adjusted it to the right length the crimped end of the cable was already too loose and the sheath would still keep coming out when the shifting lever was pushed towards the P position and not perform its function. And giving me this problem...
If someone would be so kind as to provide me with this cable part number for a 1995 VW Rialta (Eurovan/T4) Automatic 4-speed transmission, I would appreciate it very much.
Also, if possible, the part number for the circ-clip at the end of the cable attaching it to the gear selector on the transmission side, this part decided to flight away and can not be found...
Thanks, and forgive my rockiness,