Originally Posted by FredA
The "older gentleman" measured 45 amps.
Hallelujah - this older lady THANKS YOU for that information! (And I'm proud to call myself an older lady, BTW. I've earned my seniority).
45 amps x 120 volt = 5,400 watts.
We have a Xantrex 2,000 watt inverter that can handle brief surges up to about 4,000 watts.
We use an EasyStart to manage the inrush current with our present 11,000 BTU Dometic dinosaur a/c unit (my husband is re-pulling some numbers on it).
So, the remaining questions are -- can the Houghton be made to work with the EasyStart for those of us who have smaller inverters:
(1) Can it be made to work electrically?
(2) Can it be made to work physically? In a perverse twist, some owners of newer Dometics have found that they cannot incorporate an EasyStart because there's insufficient clearance for installing it. The sleeker modern designs in newer units have reduced void spaces. Here is my husband installing it in our dinosaur, which has plenty of available gaps by virtue of its relatively clunky design. Red arrow points to where the EasyStart was placed.