Senior Member
Good guide available to download from Bryant RV ( ) here:
Two photos of the parts on my fridge (RM2410) with covers removed.

My fridge stopped maintaining the temperature when on the gas setting. It worked fine on AC.
I cleaned the burner and flue as best I could with a brush and a vacuum. I could not figure out how to remove the burner
In my defense it was just a few degrees above zero when in the garage when I worked on it. I'll try to figure it out another time. It didn't look dirty so I didn't think that was causing the fridge problem.
Smaller diameter hose attached to Shopvac

This fridge has a mode selector switch (Elect, 12V, Gas, Off) and a thermostat control (Off, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, Max). I found that the flame would extinguish when the thermostat was set to Off. That shouldn't happen. The thermostat off setting should result in a very low flame on this fridge as the basic operation in gas mode is normal flame or low flame (normal or bypass). The flame size doesn't vary if the thermostat is set to 3 or 7 for example. The duration of the flame will vary. When the fridge temperature matches the thermostat setting the thermostat switches to bypass mode (same as Off position on thermostat dial).
With the main gas valve shut off, fridge off and unplugged, I removed the burner jet and soaked it in alcohol, dried it out and replaced it. No real improvement.
Next, I removed the test port plug and was surprised to see some debris collected there. I vacuumed that out. I also removed the bypass screw and soaked it in alcohol after removing the tiny O-ring. I dried the bypass screw, put the O-ring back on and reinstalled it.
Next to do was a gas pressure test using a DIY U tube manometer. Like this: or
The gas pressure was low when the water heater, fridge and stove burner were all running. I set the propane regulator to 11" water column when two stove burners and fridge were all on max settings. The gas pressure drops below 11" WC if I add the water heater but is 12" WC if only the fridge is running and I didn't want to set it higher than that. I did not start the furnace during the testing - that would make it drop more. A bit of a compromise and best guessing. It would be rare to have all propane appliances running at the same time in my RV.
Long story short - the fridge flame seems to be working as it should now. The flame does not extinguish when it goes into bypass mode. There is a low flame when the thermostat is set to Off and a normal sized flame when the thermostat is set to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or Max. That's how it should work. I plan to replace the regulator as I discovered it is an older single stage unit. Newer regulators are two stage and should do a better job at delivering a steady 11" W.C. to the appliances.
Leak test propane fittings after doing any work on them.
Two photos of the parts on my fridge (RM2410) with covers removed.

My fridge stopped maintaining the temperature when on the gas setting. It worked fine on AC.
I cleaned the burner and flue as best I could with a brush and a vacuum. I could not figure out how to remove the burner
Smaller diameter hose attached to Shopvac

This fridge has a mode selector switch (Elect, 12V, Gas, Off) and a thermostat control (Off, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, Max). I found that the flame would extinguish when the thermostat was set to Off. That shouldn't happen. The thermostat off setting should result in a very low flame on this fridge as the basic operation in gas mode is normal flame or low flame (normal or bypass). The flame size doesn't vary if the thermostat is set to 3 or 7 for example. The duration of the flame will vary. When the fridge temperature matches the thermostat setting the thermostat switches to bypass mode (same as Off position on thermostat dial).
With the main gas valve shut off, fridge off and unplugged, I removed the burner jet and soaked it in alcohol, dried it out and replaced it. No real improvement.
Next, I removed the test port plug and was surprised to see some debris collected there. I vacuumed that out. I also removed the bypass screw and soaked it in alcohol after removing the tiny O-ring. I dried the bypass screw, put the O-ring back on and reinstalled it.
Next to do was a gas pressure test using a DIY U tube manometer. Like this: or
The gas pressure was low when the water heater, fridge and stove burner were all running. I set the propane regulator to 11" water column when two stove burners and fridge were all on max settings. The gas pressure drops below 11" WC if I add the water heater but is 12" WC if only the fridge is running and I didn't want to set it higher than that. I did not start the furnace during the testing - that would make it drop more. A bit of a compromise and best guessing. It would be rare to have all propane appliances running at the same time in my RV.
Long story short - the fridge flame seems to be working as it should now. The flame does not extinguish when it goes into bypass mode. There is a low flame when the thermostat is set to Off and a normal sized flame when the thermostat is set to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or Max. That's how it should work. I plan to replace the regulator as I discovered it is an older single stage unit. Newer regulators are two stage and should do a better job at delivering a steady 11" W.C. to the appliances.
Leak test propane fittings after doing any work on them.
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