since i can't seem to find this myself i thought i'd ask here.
on the transitvanforum-someone said that the transits employ the dual-wall sytem like the econolines did and that it greatly shrinks the inner van cargo width. they said its about 2.5 inches each side. my math old but that sounds like 5 inches to me.
not thinking this was correct i went to fords site.
I cannot find a mention of the cargo holds inner width. they have overall width of van(81).they have width between wheelwells. they have width of rear doors. width of side doors. but as much as i search on the site and google in general i cannot find this figure. since the american transit is not an exact duplicate of european transit-that's a dud too. any insight from fellow posters would be appreciated
I just bought a promaster, in the rear where the windows recess its 79", 76 at the frame. I believe the transit is 74" in the same area. One of the reasons I bought a promaster.