I was at a car show on the weekend put on by the manufacturers (not dealers). Was actually looking for a reasonably priced new car for my nephew who is graduating high school this spring. To sum up, there aren't any!
To my surprise, besides all the astronomical prices, the only van at the show was a Sprinter/Freightliner display. They had a 4x4 short wheelbase model. It was a bare van, I suppose meant as a commercial vehicle. This one was badged a Freightliner, but I think they are mechanically identical to Sprinter.
Here are some pics:
What struck me was how tall it was. Look at that gap between wheel and fender! This van was SRW, as you'd expect on the short wheelbase. The last pic is me holding the camera at eye level (I'm 5'10") looking toward the van. My eyeballs couldn't crest the lower window frame on the driver's door. So all you brave souls wanting the 4x4, be prepared for a climb! Or get running boards I guess.