The discussions of the etrek battery wiring brought up the question of balancers in battery banks, and while the way Roadtrek had their "mechanical" balancer wired in would not do much for the 24/12v system they had, it is an interesting idea in a plain Jane 4 X 6v setup, like several of us are working on.
All the balancer Roadtrek uses is a cable(s) between the intermediate connectionS in a series/parallel string. The benefit would be it would put any given two batteries on different series strings at identical voltages, which may help keep certain batteries from mismatching as much.
In a simple 4 battery setup it would look like this.
Checking the voltage in our two pair, neither single battery matches the other in the string, or the other string. I do read .07v between the two connections that would be at the ends of the red line.
I have looked around, and not found any reference on the battery sites to say this is either good or bad. I would be very easy to do for anyone that has all 4 in the same place, if it did any good.
Anybody ever seen anything mentioned about doing this setup?