New owner of a 2004 Roadtrek 190 Popular and am having problems with the dumping system. I need four hands to manage this job. My biggest problem was getting the cap back on the hose and pushing it into the tube holder until I tore the cap off and put it away. Pushed the hose in and closed the cover down and stuck the cotter pin in the hole. This holds the hose in and it does not fall out on the road, nor have I had any leaking from the tanks into the hose between dumping periods. At the dump station, I settle the hose into the dump pipe and pull the handles to flush the tanks.
My question is this: is there any consequence to leaving the cap off the end of the hose permanently? Since it doesn't leak, is there any reason for having it on when it's nearly impossible to push it back into the tube, close the cover and insert the cotter pin while I'm standing on my head to see? I'm too old for this stress! Thanks. (I'm not interested in installing a macerator pump as I simply raise and lower the hose to empty the last liquid out of it.)
Appreciate any input on this system.