Originally Posted by booster
As one of the offenders on this, as were, as you mention, other senior members, a bit of explaining may be in order, not to justify but just to put a bit of history on it.
We have some posters here who will take any thread and start posting marginally related statements that have been at best controversial on many, many, other threads in the past. The goal seems to be to try to get the last word by posting the same, IMO, debunked or inaccurate, claims in as many threads as possible. If unanswered, those dubious statements stand alone and could be the source of, again IMO, bad information that new members or other searching for help on the forum.
This has invariably led to wandering off topic threads recently many times. Often the threads go on so long nobody would even recognize them.
THANK YOU ! I do not reply as often as I would like, I am also out of context but I have to mention that I totally I mean totally agree in the above statement.These nonsense non productive and mostly wrong post have been going on and on, poster is trying to justify a bad decision of purchasing a too expensive used RV with too many problems with the DEF, the generator, bad financial planning, etc...Get over it sell the RV, buy a nice car and pay for hotels. Am I being a troll here ???? Sorry I wont post for a another few months.