The black box clamps to the inside of the van door. Those brackets are dual purpose - both as clamps and the bottom clamps support the weight. They need to be positioned accurately.
Inside the black box would be 2x4 type lumber and plywood framing sized to the particular A/C you want to use.
You'd need to build a frame to fit your A/C then secure the frame in the black box. I'm guessing they use an adhesive caulk to secure the frame in black box. That frame also needs to accurately positioned.
The finish panel is thin plywood, maybe 3/16". You'd need to cut it to fit the inside shape you want and also cut the rectangle out for the A/C. That finish panel is covered with cloth with likely a thin foam underneath the cloth.
They should have included the stainless steel brackets and the stainless steel stove type bolts and at least drilled the holes for those bolts (my opinion). That would allow you to at least mount the black box so you could then take measurements to see what A/C unit will fit inside.
The framing that you build should not leave any gaps and it needs to be well caulked. It's the barrier between the inside of the van and the outside weather when the black box is open.
If they sold it without the bolts, nuts, brackets and drilled holes then someone on their end was not thinking it through. Those pieces are essential.