I too, stashed my PW curtains.
they are fiddley and hang down in line with the dash board
I cut a piece of reflectix which covers the windshield and use the visors to hold in place ( other pieces cut for door windows and the doors closed on them) this gives a bit more space and if the seat is rotated it's not snagging
I do have the exterior cover and use for multi-day camping
you can get shower curtain at home store and find the roller clips which attach to the rail ( if you don't have) and make one.
i'm not sure if these roller clips are the correct size, but you get the idea
my shower curtain is stashed as well, we don;t shower inside. we are either in a campground and paying them for water and energy to heat it ( wear flip flops) or we are in the boonies and use the out door shower wand