After this last trip out to UT, when can now add a few more USA States too our growing collection, that we had not visited prior. Thanks to EpgSoft. com/
Most of the States we have visited are due to our love of FSU Sports and traveling around the country to visit the states and watch the GAMES. Sadly, some folks in some states we visit want to fight with us old folks as we show off our love and support of our college teams. One would think they would enjoy others coming to their states to visit and pay money for goods found in their cities. This is way the wife won't let me Wrap our VAN in Team Sport logo's WIN or Lose we should all be good sports about having visitors to our town, even if you're not as good a we have been.
2021 Coachmen Galleria 3500XD, 24FL, with Li3.
We are H.L. and Jan, from the Sunshine State on Florida's west coast.
"Remember every camping trip is an outdoor adventure and begins and ends with a road-trip. Drive safely with your family cargo."