Originally Posted by Davydd
Did you ask or did they say anything about Class B converters and their developments?
I talked to one engineer about it. No one there knew when the RV option package would be available though, not even the head of marketing that was there. She did say that more versions and options were coming along as time goes by.
The dual sliding door option for instance won't be available till the 4th quarter this year.
They stressed in the pre ride & drive that the launch is being done slowly to get the bugs worked out in the assembly process what with this being an all new vehicle with a lot of new ways to do things that Ford hasn't done before.
By the way, another thing that was brought up was that the primer & paint process and durability was designed to be a 10 year commercial environment item.
They turned the robots loose on the durability testing. Constant test track driving and durability testing by robots, with a minimum 250,000 door opening and closing cycles in there too on all doors.
David I would assume that all the RV upfitters that expressed interest to Ford have a prototype in house. I know the company that did the 4wd on the E series, Quigly I believe?? had a prototype a couple months ago. Sportsmobile was pushing that issue on their forum with pictures