Throw in problems in Europe, and some say slowing growth in China, and you've got limited options
for where to park your money. Bonds are not as appealing as they were 5 years ago. Nor as safe,
depending on their source.
Energy stocks have pulled back over the last month, as the Euro has sunk (Greece, Spain), and
France elects a socialist, and allowed the US$ to look stronger (usually lowers relative oil price).
That could change depending on whether the Fed goes with a third wave of quantitative easing.
Or if China decides to take some sort of decisive action to increase their growth rate and potential.
The REITs have mostly done well over the same period, as a hedge and might be somewhat
overbought, but they still pay a nice monthly stipend.
As do some of the bigger utilities and telecoms.
You could always take a chance on the Facebook IPO. It's been calculated to hit the market at around
19X potential earnings, so Zuckerbeg wins. Not sure about the rest of humanity. Google and Apple
trade at about 3.5X earnings, to put it in some perspective.
Happy investing.