Re: House Panel Battery Switch
I installed the P2-61C rocker switch which is a On-Off-On disconnect switch for the Auxiliary batteries on the Monitor Panel located on the shelf above the passenger lounge seat.
When I activated, (Off) the switch nothing happened, both the Carbon Monoxide and Propane Leak Detectors lights stayed on, the ceiling lights went on when I pressed the light switch, both Auxiliary batteries where not deactivated.
I do know the wiring were correct on the rocker switch, as each wiring were marked with small white string tags.
There has to be a problem somewhere other than with the rocker switch.
Possibly someone on the forum or from RoadTrek may have a solution to the problem and would advise, would appreciate.
I also was informed by Campers Inn where we ordered our van that they do not stock the switch for the Monitor Panel.
Ron & Rose Cabral
New Bedford, MA
FMCA:303873 ~K1RRC~