Hot Water/Warm/Cold/Warm/Hot/Cold??
Dear Maestros of Machines: We have just returned from our FIRST venture of 3 nights on the road. Our 2015 RT 109 Pop worked GREAT. BUT: when using the shower/hot water: cool water at first: then warm, then hot....for only a moment; then back to warm, for a bit, then a spurt of "cool" followed by more "warm" and a spot of hot. Would run out of water in the boondocks if I waited to see if a full stream of hot water would eventually flow. ANY IDEAS? we were on Shore power; propane fed; never had the "reset" light pop on??? sputters,all other water systems full pressure.. (no air in line to detect) and no decent shave...Thoughts or things to check would be appreciated...hate to lug it back down to the dealer who was not on top of things at the time he delivered the unit...Oh, Suburban heater...thanks guys...Jim, Sedona AZ