e-bay misunderstanding
On my part.
When I bought the two Chevy mirrors last week, I had been looking at them on e-bay and doing different searches as they were coming up in different places. One search brought up the ones I bought. The listings showed one of them as "4 available, 3 sold" so I assumed that he had 4 to sell and had 1 left. They were a very good deal, so I ordered them, even though I had not heard back from my request about combined shipping. I later heard from the seller that the listing doesn't mean that. It means he had 7 to sell originally and 3 had sold, leaving 4 as available. It never occurred to me that it could mean that. I assume he is correct, as later the listing showed 3 available 4 sold.
Seems an odd way to state it, but good to know, as I have hurried on other stuff in the past because I thought they were almost sold out.