Dumping systems used by several RV Manufactures
Checking on Class B's & C's as to which system they use for dumping in their units:
COACH HOUSE: Their owners and engineers prefer not to use macerators based upon personal experience in both RV's and boats. If there is a problem with the macerator pump functioning properly what do you do? One of the owners had this happen on a boat out in the Gulf of Mexico and had no way to resolve the problem. Valterra valves are less prone to issues, and is what they use.
FREE FLIGHT & FREEDOM 11 SENERITY units are being discontinued.
GTRV: They install very few flush toilets as most of their customers choose to use a porta potti to conserve space. On the flush toilets that they have done they have all been the sewer hose from a black water tank.
PLEASURE-WAY: Standard expandable sewer hose
JAYCO: We include a standard expandable sewer hose in all of our
motorhomes. It's a 3" x 20 feet hose in the Embark; 4" x 25 feet in the
Greyhawk, Melbourne and Seneca.
NEXUS: They have a free flow dump system: Sewer Hose.
ROADTREK: Older Models: Sewer Hose - Newer Models: Macerator Pump
SAFARI CONDO: Majority of units equipped with a cassette toilet, portable tank, models with black tank are not equipped with a macerator pump, they are equipped with the sewer hose.
SPORTSMOBILE: They install both, it is up to their customers which system they want.
WINNEBAGO: They install both.
Sounds like a good idea of letting the buyer choose which dumping system they prefer.
Ron & Rose Cabral
New Bedford, MA
FMCA:303873 ~K1RRC~ RRRCRT@aol.com